Hearts In Service is an approved Agent and a charitable project under The Great Commission Foundation (GCF), Account #588 - Address below.
There are several ways to give to Hearts In Service that are listed below.
For Canadian donations, click the big red box below to go directly to the correct page, or go to:
A Pre-Authorized Donation Form is available for download.
Cheque Designations:
Cheques are to be made payable to The Great Commission Foundation. In the notes donors should refer to project: Hearts In Service #588.
If you are mailing a cheque, send it to:
Please do not mail cash. All cash donations have to be converted into a money order or personal cheque prior to submission. Be sure to include all donor information ( name, address, phone number, etc), and include Hearts In Service #588 in your correspondence. The address is to the left.
If you are in the United States, this link will provide you with a charitable donation receipt in U.S. Dollars.
For Debit and Credit transactions.
GCF Donation Form 588 (pdf)
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